- Academics and Student Performance: Students at CVSD are below state assessment standards in English, math, and science. CVSD should prioritize academics and student performance by improving “classroom” rules, procedures, and processes. There needs to be a prioritized emphasis on grade standards, homework, in-class or at-home reading, and a district-wide policy on no cell phone use in the classroom.
- Grades, Homework, Class Discipline. The School Board should adopt district-wide standards on grades, homework assignments, and class discipline. On one hand, teachers must be given flexibility tailored to the specifics of their taught subject and their students, but they should not have too much leeway on grading, assigning homework, and discipline in the classroom. Most teachers care for their students and do the best they can to raise the academic standards and hold students accountable, but the School Board needs to implement district-wide policies to improve the classroom learning environment and to improve student performance as well as statewide standards in English, math, and science.
- CSE: Comprehensive Sex Education should be developed in close consultation with families and should not be used to promote ideology. Students are in school to learn. They are not in school to be indoctrinated. The School Board needs to get ideology out of the classroom and emphasize academics, learning, grading, homework, and the fundamentals.
- CRT: To protect our children from the corrosive teachings of CRT – Critical Race Theory – which attempts to rewrite or represent history in such a way as to disparage some of America’s history and traditions, while ignoring the beauty of our founding and the rights granted us in the Bill of Rights and other amendments. Yes, let’s teach history, but let’s teach our children to love America.
- SEL: Social-emotional learning, if used to improve memory, reasoning, and intellectual development, can be an effective teaching method. When kids are equipped with social-emotional skills, they are better able to learn and contribute to a positive school environment. But if applied incorrectly, it veers off into shaping values that may conflict with parent’s beliefs and values, and by placing too much emphasis on emotionalism and not academics and learning.
- Gender Identity: There should be no bullying in school or discrimination, but neither should schools be a playground for ideology. It is time to get back to basics. Let’s help our children learn, study, grow academically, and get ideology out of the classroom.
- Budgetary Transparency: There is not enough discussion about excess spending in CVSD. The district needs a citizens oversight committee to analyze expenditures, especially as to the use of local levy monies, and to better understand how the school district spends its money and to recommend any changes or improvements to the Board as to future expenditures and planning.

Now is the time to invest in our kids and improve their educational environment.
P.O. Box 486, Liberty Lake, WA 99019-0486
(509) 283-5883