Resolution 20-07 – Racism

Did you know that three of the current board members, Keith Clark, Debra Long and Cynthia McMullen signed Resolution 20-07. Do you even know what resolution 20-07 is? Were you invited to be part of the Equity committee?

Quote from the Resolution –

“WHEREAS; the School Board acknowledges that structural inequities, including racism, exist in school

If the board believes there is racism in the systems, practices or policies, which policies are racist? Which racist policies have been corrected by the board? Who has been held accountable for these racist policies.

Cindy McMullen has served on the CVSD School Board for over 24 years.

Keith Clark has been on the board since 2007

Debra long has been on the board since 2003

Were they involved in creating the racist policies or structural inequities they mentioned? What have they done about it? Do they believe that CVSD is filled with racism, or are they just paying lip service?

School Board Members

Equity Planning Guide

Resolution 20-07